Saturday 23 May 2020

Maintaining relationships during Social Isolation.

The global reaction to the COVID-19 virus has been known before, and it has quickly left the world in uncharted waters. Even though it’s necessary, keeping your distance from everyone outside of your household can quickly underscore just how important regular social interaction is for humans. If you’re trying to faithfully observe social distancing rules but you’re feeling that overwhelming need for interaction with others, here are some suggestions to maintain your relationships in social isolation.

                                                              VIDEO CALLS
 "There's just a deeper level of emotional intimacy and connection which can happen on video that basically can't happen just on the telephone" Video chats are all the craze during quarantine and with good reason. They enable conversation, are easy to adapt from pairs of individuals to larger groups It doesn’t matter if you’re linking up with an old college club, or connecting with your parents, video calls are a great way to stay in touch during a quarantine.

 If you’re not feeling up for a visual element in your communication, you can still maintain that social lifeline by calling a friend or family member to see how they’re doing. If you’re tending to chores, watching the kids, or are preoccupied with some other activity, a phone call can be a great way to still get in touch. Simply pop on a headset, pull up your contacts, and give someone a call. They’ll appreciate the shout out.

 For those relationships in your life that require less maintenance, text messaging is a lifesaver. While you can spend half an hour on the phone with two or three people per day, you can keep in touch with dozens of friends and family through the power of the texted word.

Whether you’re giving a beloved friend a quick phone call to check-in, or texting someone it’s important to put in the effort to maintain your relationships during social isolation.Face the social distancing challenge find ways to cultivate your social life, even from a distance.

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